Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (606) 485-4673

  • Desiree Crowley, CSW

    Desiree attained her MSW from the University of Kentucky in December of 2022 and has several years’ experience working in various fields of healthcare. Those experiences serving others, drove her to pursue the education she needed to better advocate for her community. Desiree has a deep love for rural populations, a self-professed “hill kid”. She personally understands the cultural aspects of life in rural Kentucky as well as the barriers and hurdles faced in access to many resources. Desiree has a heart for the geriatric population, family caregivers, and those navigating the Alzheimer’s/Dementia diagnosis of a loved one.

    She is a proud momma of 5, a farm kid at heart with a menagerie of critters, and a passion for heritage life skills. On the rare occasion she has free time to herself, and isn’t traveling, Desiree enjoys tucking into a good book, painting, or listening to one of her beloved vinyl’s.

    Favorite Quote:

    “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness”  M. Twain

    Personal motto:

    Be the person that you needed.


    2 Corinthians 4:9

    “Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.”